Die Innovation Kasse

For the insured persons of the Innovationskasse

Dear Innovationskasse policyholders,

Do you already know about the attractive and simple bonus program of the Innovationskasse? If so, then you have come to the right place!

The Innovationskasse is the first statutory health insurance fund to reimburse a large part of the costs of proteomic analysis, the protexam test, as part of the bonus program.

You can find more information here.

As part of the IK bonus program, you have the opportunity to receive up to 650 euros per year from the Innovation Fund for a protexam test to be reimbursed. To do this, you must provide evidence of the age-appropriate preventive medical examinations in the IK bonus booklet and also simply submit the invoice that you receive from us to the Innovation Fund.

Within the framework of this special price regulation, the following applies contract.

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