The background of protexam diagnostics is based on two decades of intensive research with international scientists. During this time, the technology was developed, the database established, and disease-specific protein patterns defined. Clinical proteome analysis is carried out by coupling capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (CE-MS). It is always used in clinical studies. We will continue to generate disease-specific protein patterns in the future.
samples and data sets
scientific publications
clinical trials
With the CE-MS technology developed and patented by
Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Mischak, diseases can be diagnosed early and precisely. By comparing the proteome with the previously defined disease-specific protein patterns in the database, the individual state of health can be mapped.
The advantage for you lies in the detection of disease at a time when suitable therapy can still halt the damage to the organs. This is because the medicine of the future is an increasingly individualized medicine that is more strongly influenced by the idea of optimizing one's own body than by repairing temporary deficits.
Research into disease markers is usually based on an initial request from scientists at university hospitals. With each clinical study, new findings from proteome analysis are added to the creation and validation of new disease patterns. All data from the studies are fed into our database. Further studies are also planned for your benefit in the future.
Our strength is that we can compare each sample with the many data sets in our database. Each disease has its own disease-specific protein pattern. Each sample contains thousands of proteins and their fragments (peptides). We analyze these qualitatively and quantitatively with your sample. The high precision of
protexam is not based on a single marker, but on a combination of hundreds of disease markers.
Prof. Dr.
Antonia Vlahou
Prof. Dr.
Frederik Persson
Prof. Dr.
Peter Rossing
Prof. Dr.
Alberto Ortiz
... and many more!
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